Shadow and Bone Season 3 speculation

By Sioph Leal

In Season two of Netflix’s Shadow and Bone, Alina Starkov (Jessie Mei Li) was a beacon of hope to some and a suspected traitor to others. Determined to bring down the Shadow Fold and save Ravka from ruin, Alina begins to hunt down the remaining two mythical creatures that could bring down General Kirigan (Ben Barnes) and his monstrous shadow creatures. Along with Mal Orestev (Archie Renaux) Nikolai Lantsov (Patrick Gibson), and Grisha twins Tolya (Lewis Tan) and Tamar (Anna Leong Brophy), they complete their task in tearing down the fold but at a cost.
Meanwhile in Ketterdamn, Kaz Brekker (Freddie Carter) contends with old rivals and even older grudges, his place within the Barrel is threatened as well as his life and the lives of his crows Inej Ghafa (Amita Suman), Jesper Fahey (Kit Young) and their two new recruits Nina Zenick (Danielle Galligan) and Wylan Hendriks (Jack Wolfe).

The fate of season three of Shadow and Bone has yet to be announced, and as the show has deviated from the books, here’s how we think season three could be altered. 

Spoiler alert for the Six of Crows and King of Scars duology

Alina Starkov. 

Where it ended: Alina is present at Nikoli’s coronation and seemingly hinted that she will be crowned Queen alongside him in the future as a political move to unite Grisha and Otkazat'sya. She saves the lives of her friends by using The Cut on a Fjredan assassin on Jurda Parem. Unlike the book, she doesn’t lose her Grisha abilities, but they have been corrupted from sun summoning to shadow summoning- she is hinted to be the new Darkling. 

Where it could go: Her character has massively changed from her book counterpart (and that’s a good thing) ending and if the series is renewed, it would be interesting to see how Alina handles the burdens of being a hope to Grisha, a possible Queen and controlling her new abilities. Combine that with Nikolai’s struggles, it could be an interesting watch. There are some compelling things from the book that we think could happen such as the Apparat and the Cult of the Starless Saint, and their reaction to a new shadow summoner after losing the Darkling. They are key in the climax of the King of Scars series and with Alina having those abilities and being a Saint would add an interesting dynamic to parts of the book that fell a little flat. Maybe have the Cult of the Starless Saint going up against The Soldat Sol, also known as the Sun Soldiers, are the holy warriors sworn to protect Alina Starkov, could be an intriguing plot point and could be a dramatic series finale that could see Alina follow her end in the books, hiding away with Mal while they run an orphanage. 

Malyen Orestev. 

Where it ended: Mal decided to take up the Sturmhond mantle to become a privateer and ventures away from Ravka. An improvement from his book counterpart that simply ran an orphanage with Alina. With Tamar, Tolya and Inej, they venture away from Ravka. 

Where it could go: There might be too much with Alina and The Crows to have Mal fit in on a main storyline, but it would be good to see him in an episode or two as he ventures to the different locations of the Grishaverse. Perhaps he could transport the Crows to Frejda for the heist and that would unite Inej with the Crows, but we open this would not happen straight away. Another avenue to take would have Mal and Inej liberating a ship, only to come across a Grisha under the effects of Jarda Parum. This could have dire consequences for all on the ship, bar Inej, Mal and Tolya.

Kaz Brekker. 

Where it ended: Kaz ends the series with Wylan, Nina and Jesper and is about to inform them about the most lucrative job they have ever taken. Books fans will undoubtedly know this is a hint to the Ice Court heist in the Six of Crows duology. Many want a Crows spin off, but we think it could work better in the current series, but take the main focus. 

Where it could go: The Ice Court heist, not question. Without Inej, the Crows would have to adapt to their new group dynamic and as their leader, Kaz still calls the shots. We think Nikolai could investigate Jurda Parem but having no luck, turns to Crows for assistance when it is discovered Yul-Bayur made the drug and is kept locked away in the Ice Court. Kaz and the Crows could be the focus, but other plots would be integrated from other characters. 

Inej Ghafa. 

Where it ended: Following a lead to find her lost family, Inej leaves with Mal and is delighted to set sail and start a mission to hunt down sailor ships.  

Where it could go: We don’t think she would find her family until the show ends for good but seeing Inej hunt slave ships could be an action-packed aspect of the show. It would struggle to fit into the main part of the show, but we could see Inej and her crew transport the Crows safely to Frejda where she helps them one last time before continuing her mission, perhaps at the request of Nina given their emerging friendship. 

Jesper Fahey. 

Where it ended: While Jesper’s book storyline has been shown already, he could take on a more supporting role in the series. It has already been revealed that he is Grisha and he has gone on a journey of acceptance for that which normally came later in the book. 

Where it could go: There isn’t much left for Jesper in terms of his book arc, we can only see him as a supporting character for the Crows. Like the books, he could be a support to Wylan and their relationship could grow as he helps with Van Eck.

Nina Zenik. 

Where it ended: At the end of season 2, Nina is with the crows as they listen to Kaz about to inform them of the Ice Heist. She was unable to free Matthias from prison and knows that he is trapped without the option of escape.  

Where it could go: We can’t see Nina as a focus until the second half of the season until the Ice Court height takes place.  She will be trying to get Matthias out like in the book and the focus will be on their relationship until the ice court when her powers will come about. Her arc will be very similar to the book, with the second to last episode Nina taking Jurda Parem with the reveal of her powers changing in the season finale. Possibly at the season end, word could spread about a new Grisha controlling the dead. This would give the world something new to fear in replace 

Matthias Helvar. 

Where it ended: Matthias ends season 2 still locked in Hellgate, refusing Pekka Rollin’s order of killing wolves and attacking guards instead. He and Nina watch as each one is carted away.  

Where it could go: We hope that Jarl Brum makes more of an appearance. Ideally, we would think the season should open with a flashback of Matthias and Jarl training and incorporate that throughout the season. He would be an active player in season 3 with a lot of time showing Matthias showing the internal conflict of betraying his country and helping the Crows. It would be very similar to the book, but he would get more screen time. 

Nikolai Lantsov. 

Where it ended: Nikolai was crowned King of Ravka but it was revealed that he was changed into one of the Darkling’s creatures. The season ends at his coronation with Frejda attacking Ravka. 

Where it could go: Not only does Nikolai have to worry about himself turning into a shadow creature, he has the political matter of war with Frejda.  There would be a lot of focus on Fjreda to combine the Crows and Nikolai’s plot. There would be more homeland matters like the Apparat, Cult of the Starless Saint, his shadow create and Alina to contend with but he could be a strong focal point.

Zoya Nazyalensky. 

Where it ended: Like others, Zoya was present at the coronation as Fjreda attacked. Before that, she was at the Darkling’s funeral when a bee appeared on her. Book fans will know that is a hint of what is to come with Zoya.  

Where it could go: There isn’t much for Zoya that we could see other than a similar route to the book. She would be involved in trying to stop the Cult of the Starless Saint and help Alina control her new abilities. If they were to stick to the book, we could imagine more of Nikolai and Zoya and ending the season with Zoya, Nikolai and Alina completing the obisbaya ritual and accidently resurrecting the Darkling. 

Wylan Hendricks. 

Where it ended: Wylan was with the remaining Crows as Kaz is about to pitch them a new job, he has come into himself more and established himself as an expert in demolitions.  

Where it could go: There would be the reveal of who Wylan is and his history with Van Eck but Wylan, like the book, would be beneficial to the Ice Heist. His arc would be very similar to the book and focus on the family history and what he ran away from. 

The Darkling. 

Where it ended: The Darkling died at the end of season 2, killed by Alina and his body burnt. Book fans will know that is not the end of that story.  

Where it could go: While we can understand if the next season does not have the Darkling but focuses on Alina, they still have a connection and that could be used in the ending of season 3 should they show the obisbaya ritual and he returns. It would be an interesting plot twist and good way to end the series, and could be a way to further connect The Darkling and Nikolai.


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